The interconnection of the work packages (WP) is depicted in the figure. The RTD work starts with WP2, which will study with high detail the concept of the combined technology, in order to simulate and optimize each separate process and the integrated system.
The next phase of the project involves WP3 and WP4, which are running in parallel. WP3 includes the adaptation of the existing CPV/T technology, in order to be capable of operating in such temperature level (80-90 oC). WP4 deals with the development of the supercritical ORC engine and its supercritical heat exchanger. Both WPs include the construction and testing of lab-scale prototypes.
The next step of the RTD work (WP5) will be to put together the CPV/T and the SCORC to the first integrated system, by appropriately constructing the intermediate circuit. The prototype will be installed in Athens in the facilities of AUA and extensive testing will be performed, resulting in the final optimization of the system.
In WP6 the involved SMEs will also have the opportunity to monitor the system and to validate the results provided by the RTD performers.
In WP7 a detailed economic evaluation of the system will be performed and the RTD performers will support the SMEs in the next step of planning the standardization and production of the integrated system.
Finally, WP8 includes the “other activities” that will facilitate the take-up of results by the SMEs, in particular by training, dissemination, knowledge management and IPR protection.